2023 unfolded as a stellar year for manga enthusiasts, treating readers to a myriad of captivating stories and artistic brilliance. As we bid farewell to its pages,
it's time to turn our attention to the eagerly anticipated chapter that is 2024. With the promise of fresh narratives, unexpected twists, and visual wonders,
the upcoming year holds the potential to surpass its predecessor. So, buckle up for another exhilarating ride through the dynamic and ever-evolving world of manga in 2024!

One Piece: Shokugeki no Sanji


Story: Yuuto Shukuda And Art: Shun Saeki

The Food Wars! creative team cooks up a special One Piece one-shot! One Piece: Shokugeki no Sanji serves up all six original chapters in one collection.



Story And Art: Hideo Shinkai

Kareri Hoshifuri is an Earthchild, a special human imbued with powers by the earth itself. An unlikely romance with high schooler Reisuke Sawada has planet-sized consequences!

Marriage Toxin


Story: Joumyaku And Art: Mizuki Yoda

Gero may be a master assassin, but he’s not exactly killing it in the romance department! Can marriage swindler Kinosaki help him find true love?

Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc.


Story: Sekka Iwata And Art: Yuu Aoki

There’s never a dull day at the office when you’re a magical girl! Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc.

I Want to End This Love Game


Story And Art: Yuki Domoto

Let the games begin! Since childhood, Yukiya Asagi and Miku Sakura have played the Love Game, where they try to fluster each other with a simple “I love you.”
But after falling in love for real and refusing to admit it, neither of them can afford to lose this battle!